18 June 2007

Report from our trip through South-Africa for the book Wild Romance

It's been two months since we arrived in South-Africa, and our visit brought us everything we hoped for: wild dogds, black rhino, lion cubs, baby elephants, hyena pups, leopards and lots of other species. We're now in the final stage of the first part of our Africa project. We'll spend two more weeks in Madagascar, and then we're off to Amsterdam again. So far the trip has been amazing. We've spent months in the wilderness and it will take some time to re-adjust to everyday city life again.

As far as the photo gear is concerned - most of it has survived the bumps and the dust, lots of dust, and ou backs are still in one piece, despite the 20kg of camera gear we each lug around every day.
One of our back-up cameras lost autofocus, one of the screws of our window mount broke off, and one of the legs of Daniëlla's tripod broke after she was charged by a warthog - just another day in the African bush...