We are proud to announce that for the second time in three years Marsel has won First Prize in the Nature Photographers Network Editor's Pick Awards. His image of an African lion drinking at a waterhole was chosen as the winner of the Wildlife category.

Marsel is honored to have his photography so widely acclaimed by such a talented group of fellow nature photographers. This year he had five photos recommended over three different galleries, a new NPN record! The image was shot in South Africa with a radio controlled remote triggering system.
And as if this weren't enough, two other shots were Highly Commended in the Naturescapes Images of the Year Awards. His popular chameleon shot was chosen as the runner up in the Wildlife category, and his sunday afternoon Photoshop experiment "Symmetree" (pun intended) was succesful in the Digital Creations category.

Fine art prints of each of these images are now available through our website.