We're proud to announce that we've put together a new and exciting landscape photography workshop: Lunar Landscapes of Turkey (17-23 April 2011).
With so many photographers copying not only our website design, but also our tours and workshops, we thought it was time to add something different. After extensively shooting wildlife last year, Marsel decided to spend more time doing landscapes this year, and this new trip is the direct result of that. Earlier this year he traveled to Cappadocia in the south of Turkey in search of photogenic landscape locations, and he was not disappointed!

Cappadocia is a region of exceptional natural wonders and a unique historical and cultural heritage. The spectacular volcanic landscape is entirely sculpted by millions of years of erosion. Wind and rain have created a bizarre field of hundreds of conical formations. Many of these pillars, known as fairy chimneys, contain labyrinths and caves where Christians once hid to avoid persecution. We will explore and photograph the lunar landscape, strange rock formations and rock hewn churches in the many valleys. We will stay in a small hotel right in the heart of a historic village. One of the highlights is an optional balloon ride, shooting the surreal landscape from above.
Spouses and non-photographing travel companions will also enjoy this amazing trip!
All accommodation is in a small family-run hotel. This trip is suitable for photographers of all experience levels. There will be daily briefings, one-on-one in the field instructions, raw processing tips, and image reviews in the evenings. You'll return with spectacular images!
This tour is already filling up very quickly with returning guests, so if you're interested in joining us, don't hesitate and make your reservation now!
For more information look