We are currently traveling in the desert of Northern Africa, battling the sun, sand, wind and dust. We ate more sand over the past couple of weeks than any normal human being during a lifetime, but we're enjoying the experience. Our purpose is a new photography project we're working on, and meanwhile we're scouting for new Squiver photo tour destinations. The next weeks we'll have little or no internet access, so if you send us an email, it might take a little longer than usual before we get back to you.
22 December 2010
21 December 2010
Travel Photographer of the Year 2010
We have been traveling in the desert of Northern Africa for the past weeks with no internet access, so we found out about this rather late: Marsel's charging lion picture was awarded in the 2010 Travel Photographer of the Year Awards. After two weeks of nothing but sand, wind and dust, and no showers, this good news got us freshened up right away.
As with most wildlife shots, there was quite a bit of luck involved to get this shot - after all, with wild animals you never know what's going to happen. Most wildlife photographers use long tele lenses to photograph potentially dangerous animals, and that is probably a wise thing to do. However, wide angle shots are often more dynamic, more in your face, so that's what Marsel wanted to try with lions. He used a radio controlled remote and shot from a handheld monopod, turned upside down, without getting out of the car. It's Marsel's secret (well, not anymore) technique to get low level perspective shots with wide angle lenses, while remaining flexible and without running the risk of getting eaten. This male lion did not appreciate the clicks coming from the grass very much, and decided to charge the D3. As often with lions, it was just a mock charge, but we got a few stains in our pants nonetheless...
This image is available as a fine art print. If you're interested, have a look at the Store page on our website or contact us if you have a specific size in mind.

20 December 2010
Snow monkey commercial GE used as example
Getty Images is using the Snow Monkey commercial as a good example of how stock footage can be used in a commercial.
GE partnered with agency BBDO New York to create their “Snow Monkeys” ad, which advertises their GeoSpring water heater. BBDO used 17 footage clips in the spot, which has been praised by industry leaders and PETA, for the commercial’s humane use of stock footage instead of animal “actors.” Click on the image to view the commercial, with footage shot during our Japan White & Wild photo tour, which is coming up in February again. Want to join us and see them for yourself?
GE partnered with agency BBDO New York to create their “Snow Monkeys” ad, which advertises their GeoSpring water heater. BBDO used 17 footage clips in the spot, which has been praised by industry leaders and PETA, for the commercial’s humane use of stock footage instead of animal “actors.” Click on the image to view the commercial, with footage shot during our Japan White & Wild photo tour, which is coming up in February again. Want to join us and see them for yourself?
19 December 2010
Zambia 2011 fully booked
It's still far away, but our Beyond the Great Rivers tour in Zambia for next year is already fully booked. We're planning to have the dates for 2012 online somewhere during the spring of 2011. For those who didn't manage to get a spot - we'll keep you posted.

Photo tour,
Photo workshop,
18 December 2010
Merry Christmas, merry snow monkeys
The Christmas edition of UK magazine Digital Photo features four of Marsel's snow monkey images from Japan. Apart from the often published 'snow ball' image, the double page spread also features three images that were taken on this year's Japan tour. Download the PDF here.
If you would like to photograph these fascinating animals yourself, as well as Japanese cranes, Stellar sea eagles, white-tailed eagles and whooper swans, there are only three openings left on the 2011 White & Wild Japan tour that takes place in February. Book now or click here for more information.
17 December 2010
National Geographic Photo of the Month
The Dutch online edition of National Geographic now features Marsel's image of three bathing Japanese macaques as Photo of the Month. We're obviously very happy with that, and with our next visit to Japan only two months away, we're looking forward to seeing and photographing them again. If you would like to join us, there are only a few places left, so don't wait too long to make your reservation! Have a look at the Squiver photo tours web page for more information.
National Geographic,
01 December 2010
Close encounter in the Daily Telegraph
The close encounter Daniella and lodgemanager Lana De Villier had in Zambia with an elephant was chosen as Picture of the day by the Daily Telegraph (United Kingdom). You can check out the article on their website.
If you want to eye up to an elephant yourself, you should join us on our photo tour in Zambia. We have only one room left, so be quick and check out the trip details on the squiver.com
If you want to eye up to an elephant yourself, you should join us on our photo tour in Zambia. We have only one room left, so be quick and check out the trip details on the squiver.com

Back from Utah
The past weeks we've been traveling in the US, in Utah to be precise. We knew Utah was big, but now that we've been shooting there for a while, we realize that we haven't even seen 10% of what was on our list. Which means that we will have to return next year to finish the job... The weather gods were smiling upon us, as we got good light most of the time and even a few days of snow. Bryce Canyon in particular looked stunning covered with a white blanket.
We're already leaving for Northern Africa again in just a few days, so unfortunately not enough time to select and process images for Marsel, but Daniëlla took some cool shots with the Canon S90 and here's a panorama she made to give you an idea of how magical it all looked.
We're already leaving for Northern Africa again in just a few days, so unfortunately not enough time to select and process images for Marsel, but Daniëlla took some cool shots with the Canon S90 and here's a panorama she made to give you an idea of how magical it all looked.

The next two months we'll be in the desert in Northern Africa with no internet connection, so we'll be quiet for a while.